
How To Install A Pot Filler Faucet

Installing a pot filler in an existing wall is not a difficult task. However, a pot filler that stays upper the stoves, helps a lot. If you choose one for you, you don't accept to comport water from the sink to the stove. It likewise helps to pour every kind of pot. Boiling water, making tea, are easy with a pot filler. Unmarried valve pot fillers are piece of cake to install.

Now, if you want to install a pot filler faucet in your kitchen wall, you need to follow a few steps. In this guide, nosotros're going to discuss those steps.

So, let'south dive in!

Pace 1: The first move is making a plan. You lot tin detect a lot of educational activity videos on the cyberspace, they may evidence you steps, simply when you're working on your own. You have to make a plan for yourself. Write your program downward if needed.

Step 2: Get your h2o line to the location you want to mount the faucet at. Get down and find out your water supply line. This is more of a plumbing process. So, if yous're afraid, get the assist of an plumbing professional services. But if yous choose to practice it, then you accept to use a hose or a pipe.

Pot Filler In An Existing Wall1

Bring the waterline upwardly to the wall. Drill a hole where your pot filler is going to come up out. Y'all tin can choose whether y'all're setting it in the centre of the stove or on the side. It's up to yous.

Footstep 3: Attach a threaded pipe to your water line hose or pipe. The maximum size of this pipe is two and a one-half-inch. When attaching use sealant paste to make sure at that place isn't whatever leak.

Step 4: Install the mounting plate. Take the mounting plate and mark where you need to put in the screws. Drill holes according to the measurement of the screws.

After that, place the mounting plate along with the mounting gasket and tighten the screws.

Step 5: Now, set up the pot filler. Attach information technology with the threaded pipe that you installed. To continue your thread leak-free and durable, use sealant paste. Don't over tighten the pot filler. This volition damage the thread. Use your mutual sense and make certain where the end of the thread is.

Don't put actress force per unit area. It'll damage the thread and this volition cause leaks and drips.

Step 6: Build your drywall and make everything expect good when you're totally done with everything. Enjoy your pot filler.

Pot Filler In An Existing Wall


  1. Close off the water line before start working.
  2. If y'all're plumbing, then don't forget to shut off the power line.
  3. Use 1 valve pot filler if you're installing information technology yourself.
  4. Make certain the water supply line is filtered equally y'all'll exist using it for cooking.
  5. When tightening threads, don't put actress pressure level.
  6. Keep it high if you use larger pots for cooking.


Then, this how you can install a pot filler in an existing wall. In this short guide, we tried to share the steps of installing a wall mounting faucet. We covered the master things of the faucet installation. If y'all have any questions or queries, feel free to leave a annotate.


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